The purpose of the Twitter HF Activity Challenge (THFAC) is to encourage activity on the HF bands and give your daily activity sessions a purpose.
A qualifying session is up to 45 minutes long. The 45 minutes must be consecutive (e.g 10:05-10:50). Sessions can be shorter than 45 minutes but you cannot add separate sessions together. A session starts when your first QSO starts. If you are in QSO at the end of the 45 minutes, that QSO counts - you don't have to finish it within the 45 minutes.
The object is simply to make contacts and amass a score. Your score is:
number of contacts x (number of DXCC countries + number of continents)
You can enter as many times each day as you wish subject to the rules above. All HF bands and modes count equally.
Tweet your score using the hashtag #THFAC and copy in @SOTABEAMS #hamr #hamradio. QRP entrants can identify this acheivement by adding "QRP" after their score (e.g. 16QRP). Include your callsign in your tweet.
A typical tweet might be:
#THFAC 22QRP G3CWI Conditions great on 20m tonight @SOTABEAMS #hamr #hamradio
The challenge is a daily event starting at 0000z and ending at 2359z.
There are no prizes beyond the kudos of getting the highest daily score.
Anyone interested?
73 Richard G3CWI