Low Pass Filter Band Kit
Note: does not include PCB. This kit only contains the components to use for a specific band, circuit boards are sold separately.
The key parts that you need to make up a high performance seven-element Chebyshev filter that will meet the regulatory requirements for transmitter spurious emissions. Suitable for transmitters: power rating 15 Watts maximum. The filters can also be used to protect the front-end of wideband SDR receivers.
Kit consists of:
- 3 x T50 toroids (mix depends on band selection)
- High Q, Low loss NP0/C0G capacitors (4, 6 or 8 depending on band)
- Grade 1 solderable enamelled copper wire (24 swg).
Click here for filter designs.
Can be used with our filter boards or built up "dead bug style" on your own piece of single sided PCB.
Instructions are available HERE!
Also available from our international agent(s):

7 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Low Pass Filter Kit
Excellent quality and easy to make up. I recommend this kit.
These are easy to build even for a relatively new Ham Operator like me!
Watch the YouTube video at this link to learn how to easily and accurately wind the toroids for these Low Pass Filter kits - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=sDIWNHOoNh8&feature=emb_logo
Band Kits for Low Pass Filters
Well designed, but took longer than I anticipated to assemble. I will be quicker when I do the next one. Quality product.
Low pass filters for the flexi
Hello everyone After playing with my wsprlite I purchaserd an Flexi. So I needed low pass filters for all bands. The easiest way was to buy the kit's at Sotabeams because it was difficult to find the parts overhere. I wound 2 turns more than indicated and adjusted with a good LC meter by removing 1 turn at the time. It was a snap ! The final adjustment was done with an Minivna, by pushing the wire on the core. Finally I made 9 filters on 3 "sota PCB's" HI ! My "wsperlite installation" is ready and waiting for better weather ! Good stuff and nice to build with OK part's ! 73 Germain, ON4SG
3 band filter boards and WSPR
I already had the WSPR Classic built into a box with the filters on a 2 pole 4 way band switch.(20/30-40-80-160).I've now done the same with the Flexi using two filter boards and a 2 by 6 switch.(20-17-15-12-10-6). Both are working well. I was heard by DP0GVN on 40m soon after they started up at the beginning of march as well as several VKs. Proves my inverted 'L' is working. You can't DX much further without going off this planet. The latest boards are physically smaller than the original which allowed me to use a smaller box, length and breadth wise, but had to be slightly deeper as the boards are stacked.
Band kit for low pass filter
Everything in the kit you need, great kit as always from SOTABEAMS
Easy source for LPF parts
Ordered only parts for 160 m LPF. Reasonable cost and get all parts from one source. My junkboxes have some caps and toroids, but takes long time seraching. And propably have not all necessary. Maybe will order LPF board and other band kits later. 73 Jukka OH4MFA, OG4T