
How to make a CBer happy

How to make a CBer happy

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 4th Dec 2014

I help out a local a radio enthusiast from time to time. He's a CBer and Shortwave Listener. Every time I call round, he has a new radio. Yesterday I counted nine - all in his tiny kitchen. With each … read more
I feel your pain - the BOXA LINE

I feel your pain - the BOXA LINE

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 21st Nov 2014

I am working on a new range of products that are collectively called the BOXA-LINE. Unlike most product designers I have started with the enclosure. Over the years I have built lots of kits and they a … read more
New Award from Worked All Britain (WAB)

New Award from Worked All Britain (WAB)

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 15th Nov 2014

The folk at WAB are introducing a Trig Points Award in 2015. That should have a lot of synergy with SOTA. WAB is a very long-running award scheme that remains popular. Check out WAB here and the … read more
Ham Radio Operating from Hotels

Ham Radio Operating from Hotels

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 14th Nov 2014

I am often asked for tips for operating HF radio on the amateur bands from hotels. This is something that I have done a lot of in the past and it can be good fun. It always gave me something interesti … read more
Radio Rallies

Radio Rallies

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 3rd Nov 2014

I am just getting ready for the West London Radio Show. The show is down near London and is on Sunday 9th November. There are far fewer of these rallies than there used to be - and they are less … read more