
Portable ham radio operating at night

Portable ham radio operating at night

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 30th Oct 2014

With winter fast approaching the hours of daylight are dwindling here in northern Europe. Shorter days might mean less time for lightweight portable operating - but they don't have to. Portable operat … read more
What makes a great portable ham radio activation?

What makes a great portable ham radio activation?

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 27th Oct 2014

Sharing thoughts on sharing at the G-QRP ConventionRecently I was asked to speak on Portable Operating at the annual G-QRP Convention at Rishworth, UK. While preparing I cast my mind back over 30+ yea … read more
5 Most Popular HF Portable Antennas

5 Most Popular HF Portable Antennas

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 18th Oct 2014

I carried out a survey in early 2014 to try to discover which portable HF antenna was most popular. Just over 300 people responded. They were asked to choose their "favourite portable antenna" from … read more
The Amateur Radio Service

The Amateur Radio Service

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 17th Oct 2014

We do amateur radio as a hobby. It's something that we enjoy and of course we have that in common with our fellow hams. We are (hopefully) enthusiastic about our hobby. Explaining what our ho … read more

West Tyrone Radio Conference Report

Posted by Richard G3CWI on 7th Oct 2014

The day started early as I had to get up at 04:50 to catch the 07:10 flight to Belfast. Aubrey, GI4TOR met me at Belfast International for the long drive across to Omagh. We arrived in good time … read more