On-the-go OTG Y lead for use with our WSPRlite-to-go Android App
Note: this lead is designed for phones which use a USB micro-B connector. It is unlikely to work properly with phones with a USB C connector.
This lead allows you to program your WSPRlite with your Android phone, set it running using the accurate time supplied via your phone, and run the WSPRlite from a USB battery pack.
Our Android App WSPRlite-to-go is available in the Google Play Store. It provides lots of great functionality to allow you to get the best out of your WSPRlite wherever you are! This On-the-go lead Y has been tested with our system and it's a great match! Plug it between your Android phone and your WSPRlite, connect a USB battery pack and you are good to go.
- Some Android devices do not support on-the-go technology - check before purchase.
- Designed for phones with a USB micro-B socket, not USB C. When we tested this lead with an Android tablet with a USB C socket, it did not work correctly, even with a USB C -> USB female micro-B adapter. Results may vary between different Android devices though.
- We have no plans for a version of WSPRlite-to-go for iOS.
This lead should be connected as follows:
- Y lead USB micro-B -> phone
- Y lead USB A female -> USB lead (A to micro-B) to WSPRlite
- Y lead USB A male -> power
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Worked Fine For Me
As per the subject header, this worked very well for me. That said, it is necessary to follow the connection instructions to the letter because the order of connection to components is as important as getting the correct ports. It's worth recording that despite the SOTABeams caveat, mine worked OK with an "OTG" microUSB adapter into an USB "C" port on a cheap rooted Chinese Android tablet too.
Tried 2 of these leads neither worked for me. [admin: I am sorry that the leads did not work for you. We were happy to give you a refund.]
This is ok but it did not work with my Samsung 5s